Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2019 – The 1000 Books Foundation is proud to present a comprehensive number writing app to help your child learn to write the numbers (0-10), using recommended stroke order and placement. Your child will also learn how to draw basic shapes (triangle, circle, square, diamond/rhombus, heart, rectangle, oval, star, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, and trapezoids) using recommended stroke order.
The app is endorsed by top educators and artists and will help your child learn to write the numbers and how to draw basic shapes.
“The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Numbers & Shapes App was created in respond to a request from parents after the release of our Alphabet writing app. This app is a fun and easy way to learn numbers and shapes” said Diane Lee, Executive Director of the 1000 Books Foundation.
The 1000 Books Foundation would like to recognize the law offices of Luh & Associates for providing the funding to create the App. The 1000 Books Foundation would also like to thank Alumni Ambassador YouTuber Goblin Jor (link to visit and subscribe) for performing the voice over work for the App and musical composer Tigero Rousteinire for composing the musical compositions for the App.
The 1000 Books Foundation is a Nevada 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, which was founded in 2013 to promote reading to newborns, infants and toddlers and seeks to encourage parent-child bonding through reading. The 1000 Books Foundation helps facilitate the implementation of the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten reading challenge nationwide and in Canada. The 1000 Books Foundation is also a founding sponsor of #TheBigRead and the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Alumni Ambassador program. To learn more about the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge, please visit: https://1000BooksBeforeKindergarten.org/