IMG_1712 When you first start the iPhone App, you should see this welcome screen.Tap “SIGN IN” to begin.


 IMG_1713 If you have previously created an account, simply enter your Email address and Password and tap “SIGN IN” to log-in to your account.If you have not previously created an account, tap “SIGN UP”
 IMG_1714 If you tapped “SIGN UP” you will then be taken to the registration screen. Enter the requested information and then tap “SIGN UP” to complete the registration.Please make sure you fill out the information correctly or you may be unable to retrieve your account information.


 IMG_1715 The first thing that you should do is “Add a Reader”. You can add multiple readers and track their progress separately.
 IMG_1719 After tapping “Add a Reader” you will be prompted to enter the name of the reader.If you tap the image of the person, you can choose to use a photograph as a custom icon.


You are given the option of either selecting from your photo album or taking a new picture.


Please then tap the “ADD” button to add the reader.


 IMG_1720 You will receive a notification that the reader has been successfully added.
 IMG_1721 The next step is to begin building your “LIBRARY” of books. When you tap on the “LIBRARY” tab at the bottom, you will be prompted to “ADD BOOK”.You primarily have three ways to “Add a Book”.


The first way is to “Search for Book”.


The second way is to “Scan a Book”.


The third way is to “Manually Add a Book”.


Let’s start with “Search for Book”.


 IMG_1722 “Search for Book”You can search for books by entering any of the following fields:


1.       Title

2.       Author

3.       Publisher

4.       Subject

5.       ISBN


It is recommended that you search using the “ISBN” field.


An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical formula and include a check digit to validate the number.


Please note that a book can have multiple and different ISBN numbers. However, each ISBN number should be associated with only one book.

 IMG_1723 “Scan a Book”If you have a copy of the book handy, try using the “Scan a Book” feature. When you use this feature, the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten App will then access your camera. Simply move the green scanning box over the ISBN barcode to retrieve the book details.


The App will then read the ISBN barcode and search the Google Books database to retrieve the book details.


Please note: not all books are contained in the Google Books database and some book details may be incorrect or incomplete. For example, it may display “Anonymous” as the Author, or the cover image of the book cannot be retrieved.


If you notice problems with the books that you have added, simply email and we will work our best to get the correct book details entered.


 IMG_1724 If the book is found in the database, an image of the book and details of the book details will be displayed.You will then be prompted to “Save Book to Library”.
 IMG_1725 You will receive this “Success” message when the book is successfully added to your database.


 IMG_1732 If you cannot locate a book through the Search and/or Scan feature, you can always add the book manually.To access the “Add Book Manually” tab, simply go to Add New Book/Search for Book/Search (leaving all the fields empty).
 IMG_1733 You will then be prompted to add the Title, Author, and Publisher (optional) information for the book.You can also take a picture of the book by tapping the picture icon.


After you enter the details and add the picture, simply tap “Save”.


 IMG_1728 From the “READERS” tab, you can add books that you have read to your child and/or check your child’s reading list.When you tap “FINISHED A BOOK”, your library will be brought up. Simply tap the book that you read and you will be prompted to confirm whether you read this book to your child.
 IMG_1727 If you tap “Yes”, the book will then be added to your child’s reading list.   The book counter will then increase.


 IMG_1717 “About”This tab will display information about the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge.


Please keep in mind that the objectives of the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge are:

·         to promote reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers

·         to encourage parent and child bonding through reading



 IMG_1718 “Account”This tab will bring up information about your account.
Please with any further questions about the iPhone and/or Android App.


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